Sharing dashboard issue

dennish_dcsorg_com December 4, 2018

I'm trying to share a dashboard I created (I'm the admin) but when I edit the dashboard under Shares it shows 'Not shared' and I see no way to change it.


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Scott Theus
Rising Star
Rising Star
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December 4, 2018

Hi Dennis, 

This may be a permissions issue....Check the global permissions to see if you have access to "Manage Shared Objects," it may be restricted in the permissions scheme.



dennish_dcsorg_com December 4, 2018

Hi Scott,


I have site-admin, administrator and jira-administrator permissions. Those groups are listed in the global permissions for share dashboards and filters. I click on those groups listed and I see my user listed (group members = me). FYI, this is for Jira core (if that makes a difference) and I still can't share anything

Scott Theus
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
December 4, 2018

Another question for you...

Are you the owner of the dashboard? Only the owner can edit and share it, but as an admin you can change the ownership; make yourself the new owner and then you should be able to share it. 

If you are the owner already then I'm stuck...I'll ask some of the other Community Champs. I'm not aware of any limitations with Core, but I could be mistaken.


Scott Theus
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
December 4, 2018


Change the ownership of a shared dashboard

Before changing the ownership of a shared dashboard, ensure that you inform the shared dashboard's current owner of your intentions.

  1. Search for the dashboard that you want to change owners (see above).
  2. Click the 'cog' icon to the right of the shared dashboard whose ownership you wish to change and select Change Owner.
  3. In the 'Change Owner' dialog box, enter the username (or name) of the user who will become the new owner of the shared dashboard.
  4. Select the appropriate user from the drop-down list and click the Change Owner button.
dennish_dcsorg_com December 4, 2018

How do I verify I'm the owner? When I login it only shows me "my" dashboard (or so I thought I created it under my account).


I copied that dashboard to a new one and I can't share that one either.

dennish_dcsorg_com December 4, 2018

I just found it. I am the owner of 3 dashboards and I can't share any of them.

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