Sharing Issue Filters

Chada D Majette May 21, 2019

I am a site admin for my Jira instance and I am creating dashboards for the different departments at my organization and I need to share the issue filters that I have created with their respective groups but I am unable to select the groups.

If I add myself in the group from the Admin portal, I can share the filter with the groups; however, they will see my tickets in the service desk and I do not want that.  I have looked at my global permissions based on the other recommendations that I have found and the permissions look fine.  

I need to know how to share the issue filters with groups without adding myself to the group.

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Sebastian Krzewiński
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May 21, 2019

Hi @Chada D Majette 


IMHO I would change ownership of these filters to people who are member in each group.

Then every owner can share filter with group that he/she belong.




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