Shared dashboard returns after "turning off" favorite status

Bill Yerkes July 24, 2011

A user (yours truly) created a dashboard and shared it with "everyone" and it started to show up on some individual's dashboards without having been selected. We figured out that you can "unfriend" it by clicking the gold star which works - sometimes. Resetting to default also works - sometimes. There continues to be some users who still get the dashboard despite going through these removal steps.

We are not using any "distribute dashboard" plug-ins though at one time it was being tested. It has since been removed. As far as I can tell any related jar file has been removed.

I am currently at a loss as to what to investigate. Ideas anyone?

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J Thomas
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July 24, 2011

Did the plugin you tried require anything to be unzipped into the JIRA installation? If so it might have overwritten files that you could restore from a clean installation of JIRA.

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