Setting up specific custom fields for Bug issue type

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May 22, 2019


I wanted to have specific custom fields for bug issue type, but I got blocked along the way. Steps I did so far:

  • New custom fields added
  • New field configuration created - Bug field configuration
  • New issue type screen scheme created - Bug screen scheme


How do I connect it to my bug and my project from here?


Please help ;)

2 answers

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Rising Star
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May 28, 2019

Hi @Nevena_Marinkovic 

Another solution for this problem could be to use our plugin, ProForma. It eliminates all of the headache that goes into setting up and configuring Jira custom fields. It also includes an Issue Forms feature, in which you can create an issue (including a bug) using a ProForma form right from the project screen.

If you're interested in evaluating, you can evaluate for free using ProForma Lite

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Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
May 22, 2019

Hello, @Nevena_Marinkovic 

I've also added 3 custom fields for bug issue type. So I think I can help you. :) 

I didn't created a new issue type screen scheme for bug because I added the fields to the default one, just in case I will need those fields on other projects, but it's your choice.

So if you added them already, try to create a new bug issue type and on the upper right corner of the screen you'll see a button "Configure fields", you have to add them from there, and also you can configure you're bug issue type only with the fields you need. 

Create issue   Ninja Coders 2.pngCreate issue   Ninja Coders.pngDescribe how it works 

Describe how it should work

Describe how to reproduce it 

These are the 3 custom fields I added for bug issue.

Hope this is helpful.

Good luck.

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