Setting a resolution is NOT an option for my tickets, why?

Devin Martinolich January 10, 2019

I have spent some time in google and here trying to figure out why on some boards I can move my tickets to the status of "Done" and this marks the field of resolved. I have one board that when combined with Confluence it appears that a ton of issues are unresolved because well as far as JIRA is concerned they are. I have no way of marking a resolution or that they are resolved when i go to the tickets details nor on the quick view (right side of board).

On another board (where resolutions are working) the status under board configuration has a check box for "Set resolution" indicating when a ticket/issue gets moved to that status it will set the issue as resolved. The only difference I can identify between that board and the board that is NOT working is the affected board uses a custom workflow. I have checked the workflow to see if I have the ability to set the resolution flag there but I do not.

Any advise?


Screenshot from 2019-01-10 18-49-58.pngScreenshot from 2019-01-10 18-46-43.png

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Jack Brickey
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January 10, 2019

@Devin Martinolich,

setting the resolution is certainly important and TBH I wish that, OOTB, it was setup that way by default. That aside, you simply need to setup you workflow and screens to accommodate/require this. On any workflow you should do one of two things, either:

a) use post function to set the Resolution to Done or

b) use Validation to require Resolution to be updated

personally I almost always go with b) because “Done” is not always the true reason for marking an issue as resolved. It could be works as designed, cannot reproduce, won’t fix, etc. if you use b) you also need to created a “resolve issue screen” that can be associated with all transitions to Done/Closed. This screen will need to have the Resolutuon field and any other fields you want updated during close.

hope this helps.

Devin Martinolich January 10, 2019

Thanks Jack, appreciate the quick response. How do I go about doing this? I would choose a) because we use a CRM to filter tickets prior to them making it into JIRA. This is where I would flag anything that we filter out like works as designed, cannot reproduce, won’t fix, etc. Once we recognize it as something we are going to do then and only then do we make an issue in JIRA and assign them to sprints etc. This is because our support staff works in the CRM as the development staff works in JIRA.

Attached is what a board that has the option looks like, I was really hoping to figure out why I dont have this option on my other board.

Screenshot from 2019-01-10 20-40-12.png

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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January 10, 2019

It isn’t a function of your board. The board is a ‘slave’ to the workflow. If you are the admin then find the workflow(s) associated with the project(s) that are not behaving as you would like then do the following for each:

  1. edit the workflow in diagram mode
  2. double-click on each and every transition into “Done” or closed depending on your situation, I.e. the final status where Resolution should be set.
  3. click on Post Function and add a post function
  4. find the function the update a field and add it
  5. select Resolution and set the desired value, e.g. Done
  6. publish the workflow
  7. test
  8. rinse and repeat for every unique workflow as desired.
Devin Martinolich January 10, 2019

I followed this doc to get this working based on your mention of "post functions"

I had done just about everything you mentioned above already. While testing this, the only gotcha is that if the status is already "Done" you cannot move it to "Mark Done" without moving it out of the Done status to another and then back. Any loophole for this?

Cool thing I found though, when setting the transition you can reuse a transition and just select the "Mark Done" transition so that its faster.

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
January 10, 2019

Correct on all accounts. Glad you got it working! Another “trick” on Closed issues is to create a transition from Done to Done and give the transition a unique name like “redone” and set the post function. Then use bulk edit to transition all done where the resolution is empty.

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