Setting Due Dates according to SLA

Doğucan Baskın January 8, 2019

Hello Guys,

This question was asked before but I couldnt manage to adjust it to our JSD, therefore I wanted to ask it to you again. 

We are using JSD Cloud and we would like to see due date fed by our SLAs. We have Automation for Jira plugin and I saw some people mentioned that you can do this with Automation plugin. However I was not able to do it. I am attaching a ss to show you what our rule looks like. I found it in another post in community but that doesnt work either. It would be great if you can guide us,

Thanks in advance!


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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
Community Leader
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October 24, 2022

Hi @Doğucan Baskın 

On your automation rule, while editing the issue and the due date field, place this smart value:


{{issue.time to resolution.ongoingCycle.breachTime.jira}}

I've tried it on the following rule and works perfectly:

set due date from SLA.png

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