Setting Assignee to Automatic is not assigning to component lead. Looking for causes, suggestions

Becky Weinhandl
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March 16, 2016

2 answers

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Becky Weinhandl
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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March 16, 2016
  1. Bulk Edit/Change: It will not take "Automatic" in a bulk edit/change. When I get to the last step of the bulk edit/change steps and can preview the edits that will be made, the new assignee is displayed as "Unassigned."

  2. Single Issue Assignment: When in a ticket, I am able to hit the assign button and select automatic with my mouse and it will stick - reassigning to the component lead.

  3. Single Issue Assignment: When in a ticket, I am able to hit the assign button and if I select automatic by keystrokes and it will not stick - leaving the issue assigned as it was.



Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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March 16, 2016

Ah, so it's the interface! 

  1. Should actually work - the reason you see "unassigned" is because the system actually can't tell you that lots of different assignees may be allocated at this point
  2. Good, that's the main bit working
  3. But no, that one sounds like a bug, it should be the same as 2.  I'd be tempted to raise this with Atlassian (although on the 6.4.11 I've got on hand seems to be working fine)
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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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March 16, 2016

Is the component lead an assignable user in the project?

Also, is it always going wrong, or is it just in some cases?  For example it fails when there's more than one component (I'm never sure of what rules it uses when there is more than one possible component lead it might assign to)

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