Set the 'Workflow' state when creating a new issue

Ashkar Rahman
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November 27, 2018

I want to add the workflow dropdown when I create a new issues. So I set a state for an issue when it's created itself (i.e Todo, Test)

I tried this on Issues->Screens but I cannot find a way to add the workflow. secure/admin/ConfigureFieldScreen.jspa?

Thoughts ? 

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Yogesh Mude
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November 27, 2018

 Hi @Ashkar Rahman

Welcome to the community!

There is no way you can select the state while creating issue/ticket at first time or from create issue screen.

You need to add the status on workflow and need to add the create  transition to that specific status...let say...whenever you will create a new ticket you want that ticket status should be set as TODO then add the new status called TODO in workflow and add/map the create transition to TODO status.

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