Set permission to edit start date field

Priyanka Ramesh
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October 4, 2023

Need to set permissions for the start date field so that only particular users have the option to edit it. The remaining users should have only view access.

I tried setting the screen scheme by removing the field from the edit screen scheme. But by doing so, even admins are unable to edit the field. By default, everyone has only view access.

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Mark Segall
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October 4, 2023

Hi @Priyanka Ramesh - There is no field level security in Jira so the best workaround for this is to take the following action:

  1. Create a new screen with the Start Date field
  2. Add a status to your workflow
  3. On the new status transition, add
    1. Condition to make it only available to admins
    2. Screen created in step 1 as the transition screen

This will allow admins to transition to a special status that only they can see which will pop up a transition screen that includes the Start Date field

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