Set default value on standard and custom text field on a specific issue type

Lola June 29, 2020

I will like to set default text in the "description" and "acceptance criteria" text field on Epic issue type. I was able to achieve this using script runner but we currently have to disable script runner in my environment due to performance issues. Is there any other way to resolve this. 


Observed result:
Expected result:
Steps to Reproduce:

Acceptance Criteria

Design Details:

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Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 2, 2020

Hello @Lola ,

While you can add in default values for custom fields as covered here, natively in Jira there is not an option to populate the description field with a template or default text, and this would require a third party tool to do so.

As you are currently experiencing issues with performance that look related to ScriptRunner, I recomend as the number one step, reaching out to the Adaptivist support team to take a look and see if they can offer assistance in tracking down the performance issue with you, their contact details can be found on the support tab of the apps marketplace listing here:

As an alternative to ScriptRunner check out the following thread that discusses other tools that can also accomplish this that could be used either in tandem with or to replace ScriptRunner or possibly as just a stop gap measure while you are tracking down the performance issue:


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