Set an specific assignee by mail handler

Oliver Schneeweiß September 3, 2019


we have (so we thought) a really easy and simple problem:

Create an email handler and set an specific assignee and author by this handler.

First-Handler: set

Second-Handler: set

Project shall be the same.


I think, we've tried everything:

The Jira-own-handler cannot set an specific assignee.

So we've tried third-party-software, like jemh (seems to be very very expensive) and all the other mail-handlers for 10$.

But no solution could set the assignee, how we wanted.


But: That cannot be that hard.


Whats my fault? Whats my wrong thinking?


Can you help me?


Kind regards from Germany,

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Krister Broman _Advania_
Rising Star
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September 3, 2019

First are you on cloud or server? 

In server the CC assignee should be enabled then assign a person by adding them to the CC field of the mail.


Oliver Schneeweiß September 3, 2019

We have a server-solution.


The solution with the cc-line isn't practicable.

Jira receives emails from our customers and from us (we forward emails from our customers direct to jira). When we add our email-address to the cc-line, then we get all emails twice.

Is there no other solution?

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