Set a project completely read-only

Hans Voet
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September 27, 2011

We have the following situation: a certain project becomes obsolete, and has to be set read-only. I followed the instruction to adapt the linked permission scheme, so that only the browse project permission is left active (+ admin permission, further irrelevant for this situation). If I then open an issue that belongs to this project, all operations are imposssible, but certain workflow actions are still possible; e.g. an issue can still be set to resolved, a resolved issue can be closed, closed can be re-opened, even though the permissions for these actions are empty in the linked permissions scheme.

How can I make a project completely read-only ?

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Edwin Chan
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September 27, 2011

In your workflow, you would have to have conditions for each of your transitions. For example, if you take a look at the default JIRA workflow, you will notice that the 'Resolve' transition has the condition 'Only users with Resolve Issues permission can execute this transition.'. By doing so, you can limit your workflow transitions through your permission scheme.

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Rising Star
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September 27, 2011

You need to modify the workflows too such that there is a condition that only the Developers role can do the action, then you remove everyone from the developers role. That will let you use the same workflow for the obsolete as for other projects, or you could just put some impossible to fulfil condition in there.

Personally I think this is a problem in the default workflow in jira.

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