Set Security Levels Issue

Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez April 11, 2024

I am trying to generate a security structure in my jira software project. I am trying to use the tabs of "set security levels", "issue security schemes" and "permission schemes". I don't know if I'm doing it right and I'm not able to associate it to my project, because in the settings of my project I don't see the "permissions" option. Please, can you explain me step by step how to create 2 structures of groups in my security scheme and all the steps please?

6 answers

1 vote
Kishan Sharma
Community Leader
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April 11, 2024

Hi @Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez 

You need to be a Jira Cloud admin to configure issue-level security. If you don't have access you might want to reach out to your Jira Cloud admins to configure this in your project. Please refer Configure issue security schemes for detailed steps.

Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez April 11, 2024

Hi! Thanks for your response. I am the admin of the account, JIRA Cloud admin is a different license?

Kishan Sharma
Community Leader
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April 12, 2024

Hi @Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez It's not a different license but rather a user with the Jira System administrator permission or a user having Administer Jira global permission. If you are having these permissions already then you can simply follow the steps mentioned in the link I shared earlier.

Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez April 15, 2024



Please, could you help me to know how can I be JIRA Cloud Admin? As I am the creator and administrator of my license so I do not know what are the steps to be JIRA Cloud Admin


Best regards,



Kishan Sharma
Community Leader
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April 15, 2024

Hi Teresa, If you have created the atlassian cloud site, then you should be having org-admin access already. Org-admins/site-admins are Jira admins who can manage Jira settings, projects, workflows, etc.

To give someone a product admin role:

  1. Go to your site's Admin at If you're an admin for multiple sites or an organization admin, click the site's name and URL to open the Admin for that site.

  2. Select Groups from the left side of the page.

  3. Select the administrators or <product-name>-admins group.

  4. Click Add members, search and select the people you want to add, and click Add.

You can read more about it here.

Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez April 17, 2024

Hi @Kishan Sharma , I am admin of my jira workspace and org-admin and I am still not seeing the "permission" tab in my JIRA project to set the security levels.


Please, could you explain me in depth?



Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez April 17, 2024

Hi @Kishan Sharma,in addition, reading the site you mentioned before: Configure issue security schemes | Atlassian Support I am not able to associate my project to the securiy scheme I configured, I am referring to this step: Capture1.PNG


As you can see in the picture that I am going to attach you, when  I tried to applie this step I can not see "permission" tab nor "Issue Security":




I could set "Permission schemes" and "Issue security schmes" in admin configuration site, but I found the problem once I tried to make relative to my specific project.

Thank you!

Kishan Sharma
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 18, 2024

Thank you for the screenshot @Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez the lower-left of your project sidebar says that you are using Team Managed project.

Currently, it is not possible to configure Issue Level Security in Team managed project and you will have to switch to Company managed Project instead. There's already a feature request raised with Atlassian - Ability to have issue level security in next-gen projects. I would suggest you to vote for it and watch it for further updates.

Also, permissions work a bit differently in Team Managed project. Two main settings determine a person's permissions in your team-managed project:

  1. The project's access level.

  2. Their role in the project.

You can read more about it here

Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez April 18, 2024

Hi @Kishan Sharma , if a tried to be the only administrator of the project, Could I continue the steps in the site I mentioned above?


Thanks in advance!




Kishan Sharma
Community Leader
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April 18, 2024

Yes, in Company Managed Project, if you are the only admin of the project, you can follow the steps mentioned in the url I shared earlier to configure issue security scheme. 

Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez April 18, 2024

One last doubt, how can I configure my profile as the only administrator of the project?


Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez April 18, 2024

Please, could you specify what are the steps I have to execute to be part of a Company Managed Project?

Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez April 18, 2024

I am not sure if I have to migrate to JIRA PREMIUM and create "CROSS-TEAM PLANNING"???MicrosoftTeams-image (45).png

Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez April 18, 2024

Please if you kindly specify step by step.


Thanks in advance

Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez April 18, 2024

Please how can I change the team managed prjcet to the correct one to  evolve to only administration and set security schemes and "permission" tab?


Thanks in advance for your response.


Best regards,



Kishan Sharma
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 18, 2024

Hi @Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez 

You can create a new Company Managed project by following below steps -








This will create a new Company Managed project and assign Project Lead role to you.

To get Administrator access on the project, you can then navigate to Project Settings > People > Add People > Enter your email address > Assign Administrators role > Click on Add.

Once you have Administrator access you can then manage Project Permissions. Refer - Manage project permissions and Configure issue security schemes from Project Settings.

Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez April 22, 2024

Hi @Kishan Sharma are there any possibility to transfer my current project to company-managed project? Since I was trying to import the issues of my current project to the new comany-managed project but it is very complicated and the exportation is not correct. I would like to change my current team-managed project to company-managed.

Thanks in advance for your response.


Best regards,



Ntamen kamogne harry Michel
Rising Star
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April 22, 2024

Hi! @Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez 


you can move  your issue from one project to another project 

it's simply 

Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez April 22, 2024

How can I move all the issues?, please could you specify?

0 votes
Ntamen kamogne harry Michel
Rising Star
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April 22, 2024

Hi! @Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez 
For mov operation ,

1. enter the filter that matches your ticket
2. click "..." button
3. select “make bulk change”
4. follow the steps

NB: as a jira admin you can do this

Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez April 22, 2024

Please, could you specify in abetter way?

Thhnaks inadvance.

Best regards,



Ntamen kamogne harry Michel
Rising Star
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April 22, 2024

hi @Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez 

I don't see how to be clearer
you must do a search for your tickets that you wish to move (it's a simple jql search "project = name of the team project where your tickets are currently located")

then there is the symbol "..." at the top right of your window. you just click on it and you will see the option "make bulk change"
you select the tickets you want to migrate and you select the “move issue” action

0 votes
Ntamen kamogne harry Michel
Rising Star
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April 22, 2024

hi @Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez 

1. You must been in the company manage project 

2. Project setting --> issue --> Security --> Action bottom to up right --> you can creat a new scheme or chose another scheme or modify the present scheme 

0 votes
Ntamen kamogne harry Michel
Rising Star
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April 11, 2024

hey! @Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez 

as @Kishan Sharma  told you so well, you need to be a Jira admin to configure the security levels on tickets

and no the jira admin isn't another type of license mais des privilège différents

Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez April 17, 2024

Hi, I am admin of my jira workspace and org-admin and I am still not seeing the "permission" tab in my JIRA project to set the security levels.


Please, could you explain me in depth?



0 votes
Ntamen kamogne harry Michel
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 11, 2024

hello @Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez 

here you will have all the necessary information to create, configure and link a project security schema

0 votes
Ntamen kamogne harry Michel
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 11, 2024

hello @Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez  
this a Configurition issue-level security

here you will have all the necessary information to create, configure and link a project security schema

you are welcome

Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez April 18, 2024

Hi @Ntamen kamogne harry Michel as you can see in my previous answer to @Kishan Sharma , I am not able to associate the security scheme to my project. @Kishan Sharma suggested me that thir problem is due a team-manged projcet, how can I evolve to only administration and set security schemes?

Thanks in advance for you response


Best regards,


Ntamen kamogne harry Michel
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 22, 2024

hi @Teresa Ruiz-Rico Gómez 

1. You must been in the company manage project 

2. Project setting --> issue --> Security --> Action bottom to up right --> you can creat a new scheme or chose another scheme or modify the present scheme 

Capture d’écran 2024-04-22 à 15.33.57.png

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