Server performance

Mauricio Silvestre
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October 6, 2011

Hi I want to use this plugin:

This one may decrease the server performance or not?

Thank you.

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Theodore Tzidamis
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October 25, 2012

Hey Mauricio,

This plugin is a pretty stable one running in many installatins for quite some time now.

That being said, I trust you know that any plugin you introduce to the system increases the load for the server (as every plugin does "something", of course). Moreover, in my humble opinion, the best question when installing a plugin is "do I really need this?" and "what will happen if I want to upgrade in the future and this creates issues for me (e.g. not being compatible with my next version)?" (which I trust it will not be the case with the Timesheet Plugin, to be honest).

In that sense, I'd say: Install on a test environment. Test it. See if it makes sense for your business. Be tight when installing new plugins. :-)

But I see your question is a pretty old one (I happened to bump into it and thought I'd chip in) so I wonder: Have you tried it since you posted this? What results did you get?

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