Send out Satisfaction survey only once

Tim Peters
February 2, 2021

Hello all,

I would like to turn on Satisfaction Settings in Service Desk, but only want them sent out once per issue. Often when an issue is resolved the customer sends a thank you or confirmation email which opens the issue back up. We resolve it again without any action. I'd like the survey email to only go out the first time an issue is resolved. Is that possible?

Other settings: Resolved issues are automatically Closed after 60 days after which an email will not reopen them. We like how this works and would rather not change it.



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Brant Schroeder
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February 4, 2021

@Tim Peters 

The customer satisfaction survey is triggered on resolution.  Currently there is no way to customize or configure the process.  There is currently a request out there for this that you should vote for

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