See all the sprints a tickets has been in, and see it on the ticket

Ignacio A
July 6, 2022

Hi everyone!

I need to modify a project so that a ticket can display, in the ticket itself, not in a board, all the sprints the ticket was part of (this is for tickets that couldn't be completed in a certain sprint).

I thinks it's easiear to understand with a visual aid :) 


Current state: it only shows "Active Sprints":





Desired state: all "Completed Sprints" show in the ticket:



Thanks in advance!

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Florian Bonniec
Community Leader
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July 6, 2022

I think what you want is the default configuration.


Completed Sprint should be displayed.


Why it' s not displayed in your case ? Probably because you remove the Sprint value from the Sprint Field or you send them back to the backlog before closing the Sprint.


If you Close the Sprint, use the popup to move the incomplete issue to the backlog or next one and then assign the issue to a new Sprint you should see the history of sprint of the ticket.

Ignacio A
July 7, 2022

Hello @Florian Bonniec ,

Thank you, apparently that was the issue, the team wasn't properly closing the tickets regardin the sprints, as you explained.

Thanks again


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