Scriptrunner behavior to set the display name(label) of a custom field is not executing on view

Tomas Arguinzones Yahoo
October 1, 2019

Hi...I have a very simple behavior on a multi line text field to set its label. I put these couple of lines of code in the server side script of the behavior associated to the field:

def field = getFieldById(getFieldChanged())
field.setLabel("My Custom Label")

And of course I mapped it to the project/all issues types.

The problem I am having is that the behavior is executing when I create a new jira issue and when I edit the issue but not when I view the issue.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Thank youimage.png

2 answers

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Antoine Berry
Community Leader
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October 2, 2019

Hi @Tomas Arguinzones Yahoo ,

Unfortunately behaviours do not work on View Issue screens, as mentioned here. You can find workarounds on this topic as well.


Tomas Arguinzones Yahoo
October 2, 2019

Hi @Antoine Berry  Thank you for your assistance. Yup, I just confirmed that with scriptrunner tech support as well (I was hoping the documentation was not up to date :- )


Thank you for your assistance

0 votes
Tomas Arguinzones Yahoo
October 1, 2019

On create, the behavior executes:




On edit, the behavior executes:



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