Scriptrunner: Conditionally require a field when Editing another field

Ashley Honeycutt October 2, 2023

I have a single-select custom field (customField1). If a particular value (value1) is selected for the field, then three other custom fields (customField2, customField3, customField4) are also required. 

I have configured this as a validator on the Create transition, but we also need the validation for any time an issue is edited. It seems like a Behavior is the way to go here, but I'm not quite understanding how that would be configured.

Suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thank you!

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Laurie Sciutti
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October 2, 2023

Hi @Ashley Honeycutt ~ this might help: 


We did something similar with a server-side script (like in the link above) in a ScriptRunner Behavior.

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