Script runner code management in jira cloud

Petru Simion _Simitech Ltd__ June 22, 2024

In Jira Server and Data center, when dealing with conditions, validators, post functions, listeners etc, Script Runner allows you to either place the scripts in line or to point to a script in the file system. This allows managing the scripts code in a version control system.

In Jira Cloud there is no option to point to a script in the file system. All scripts are in line. 

How can they be managed in a source control system?

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Lígia Zanchet
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 27, 2024

Hello Petru

Thank you for your post.
Based on the description, the Script Runner team would better assist with your question.
Have you reached the addon team? 
You can submit a support ticket to ScripRunner here.  

Please let us know if you need further assistance from the Jira side. I'll be happy to create a ticket on your behalf 

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