Script function failed on Automation for Jira rule:IllegalArgumentException: wrong number of argumen

Mouna Hammoudi
October 27, 2023

I am trying to use the HAPI API for Scriptrunner and I am getting the following error: enter image description here

My code is very simple, I am using the following:

         Collection < ProjectComponent > updatedComponentList = issue.getComponents()

            issue.set {

I have found the syntax under this link:

Here is my whole code if needed:

package SuperFeature

import com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
import com.atlassian.jira.project.version.Version
import com.atlassian.jira.bc.project.component.ProjectComponent
import com.atlassian.jira.bc.project.component.ProjectComponentManager
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.label.LabelManager
import SuperFeature.Configuration_SuperFeature
import com.adaptavist.hapi.jira.issues.delegate.AbstractIssuesDelegate
def log = Logger.getLogger('atlassian-jira.log')
List < ProjectComponent > finalComponentList = new ArrayList < ProjectComponent > ()

    int componentSize = issue.getComponents().size()

    int generatedIssuesCounter= 0
     for (ProjectComponent component: issue.getComponents()) {
                      String componentName = component.getName()
                    def shortenedComponentName = componentName.substring(componentName.indexOf("-") + 1)
                    def projectName = componentName.substring(0, componentName.indexOf("-"))


                                        def newIssueproject = ComponentAccessor.projectManager.getProjectObjByKey(projectName)

                                        List < ProjectComponent > newList = new ArrayList < > (newIssueproject.getComponents());
                                            def found = newList.any {
                                            if (found) {


    createFeature(issue, finalComponentList)

void createFeature(Issue issue, Collection < ProjectComponent > componentList) {
    JiraAuthenticationContext authenticationContext = ComponentAccessor.getJiraAuthenticationContext();

    long issueLinkType = Configuration_SuperFeature.hierarchyIssueLinkType as long
    long sequence = Configuration_SuperFeature.sequence as long
    long myissueID = issue.getId() as long
    // the key of the project under which the version will get created
    final String projectKey = Configuration_SuperFeature.projectKey 
    // the start date - optional
    final Date startDate = null
    // the release date - optional
    final Date releaseDate = null
    // a description for the new version - optional
    final String description = null
    // id of the version to schedule after the given version object - optional
    final Long scheduleAfterVersion = null
    // true if this is a released version
    final boolean released = false
    def project = ComponentAccessor.projectManager.getProjectObjByKey(projectKey)
    assert project: "Could not find project with key $projectKey"
    ProjectComponentManager projectComponentManager = ComponentAccessor.getProjectComponentManager()

    Collection < ProjectComponent > updatedComponentList = issue.getComponents()
    for (ProjectComponent component: componentList) {

        String componentName = component.getName()
        def shortenedComponentName = componentName.substring(componentName.indexOf("-") + 1)
        def projectName = componentName.substring(0, componentName.indexOf("-"))

        def newIssueproject = ComponentAccessor.projectManager.getProjectObjByKey(projectName)
        List < String > newIssueProjectVersionIDs = new ArrayList < String > ()
        newIssueProjectVersionIDs = newIssueproject.getVersions().collect {

        def customField = ComponentAccessor.getCustomFieldManager().getCustomFieldObject(Configuration_SuperFeature.investmentAreaCustomField); 
        def value = issue.getCustomFieldValue(customField);

         def matchedVersions = issue.getFixVersions().intersect(newIssueproject.getVersions(), Version.NAME_COMPARATOR)

        ProjectComponent newComponent = projectComponentManager.findByComponentName(newIssueproject.getId(), shortenedComponentName)

        def componentArray = new String[1]

        def versionCreator = ComponentAccessor.versionManager.&createVersion.rcurry(startDate, releaseDate, description,, scheduleAfterVersion, released)
        def mynewVersions = issue.fixVersions.intersect(newIssueproject.versions, Version.NAME_COMPARATOR).collect {
            versionCreator + '-Inbox'

        //  long newIssueCreatedID = newissue.getId() as long
        // def labelManager = ComponentAccessor.getComponent(LabelManager)
        // labelManager.addLabel(authenticationContext.getLoggedInUser(), newIssueCreatedID, "SF-Child", false)

        // updatedComponentList.removeAll(component)
        // projectComponentManager.updateIssueProjectComponents(issue, updatedComponentList)
        // issue.setComponents(updatedComponentList)

                //     issue.update {
                //     setComponents(updatedComponentList)
                // }

                issue.set {

        Issue newissue = Issues.create(projectName, 'Feature') {
            setSummary("["+shortenedComponentName+"] "+issue.getSummary())
            setDescription("This feature has been generated as child of a super feature. Please use this text area to add child feature specific information.")
            setCustomFieldValue(customField.getFieldName(), value)
            setFixVersions(mynewVersions as String[])
            setComponents (componentArray as String[])
            setLabels(["SF-Child"] as String [])

      , issue)


1 answer

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Mohamed Benziane
Community Leader
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October 27, 2023


Can you provide the error message, the link seems to be broken

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