Screen that lets users create subtasks...

John Ritchey June 4, 2020

Hi.  We have a transition from "Dev in Progress" to "Dev Complete".  When that happens, I want the user to see a screen that we are calling "Subtask needed?" that allows them to create a subtask for various folks that need to review the ticket after the coding is complete.

I'm struggling to find the field that I need to add to the screen that lets users create subtasks.  What field is this? Thanks.

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John Funk
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June 5, 2020

Hi John - You could add a transition screen with a custom field that asks the user if they want Sub-tasks created. 

Then you can create an Automation For Jira rule that fires when the field is updated to Yes.

Otherwise the no will continue the transition. 

John Ritchey June 5, 2020

This could work.  I could have some custom fields that it uses to create the subtask ticket and transfer the info.  I'll give it a try.  Thanks!

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John Funk
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June 6, 2020

Let us know here how it goes.  :-)

John Ritchey June 10, 2020

Hey John!  This worked out well.  I created custom fields to appear on the screen popup and use these to transfer to the newly created ticket.  So far users haven't given me any bad feedback, so we'll assume it is going well. :)

John Funk
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June 10, 2020

Great! Glad it's working for you!

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simarpreet singh June 5, 2020

Hi @John Ritchey -

You can auto create one more sub tasks when an issue moves from "Dev in Progress" to "Dev Complete". You need to add a post function Create issues and sub tasks for that transition.

There, you can set the summary, description, etc which will be auto populated when a new sub task gets auto created.

Let me know if this helps.



John Ritchey June 5, 2020

Hi Simar!

Thanks for the reply.  It sounds like this would automate the creation of subtasks... I'm looking to prompt the user to create subtasks manually if they deem it appropriate as a part of the workflow on a status change.

Do you know of a way to do this?



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