SOAP RemoteComponent GenericValue gv

Firstname Lastname May 22, 2012

Can any one give me details on what GenericValue gv is?

Is this how the xml should look like based of the documentation?




<name>Some Name</name>



public class RemoteComponentextends AbstractNamedRemoteEntity

<th align="left" colspan="2">
RemoteComponent(org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue gv)
RemoteComponent(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String name)

2 answers

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Firstname Lastname May 22, 2012


I posted this question earlier -

I am trying to add components in createIssue. I don't know what is the right the XML. I am looking at the documentation but cannot figure it out. the SOAP call doesn't accept my component, though it creats an issue. According to their documentation what else I need to add in this XML?

<components xsi:type="jir:ArrayOf_tns1_RemoteComponent" soapenc:arrayType="bean:RemoteComponent[1]" xmlns:jir="https://server/rpc/soap/jirasoapservice-v2">
<id xsi:type="xsd:string">10254</id>
<name xsi:type="xsd:string">Some component I want to add to the issue</name>

0 votes
Renjith Pillai
Rising Star
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May 22, 2012

If you could give a bit more detail on what you are trying to achieve, it may help.

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