Restrict Issue creation from Create button instead allow from transition of another project

Lokesh D April 15, 2020


We are looking to restrict Issue creation from Create button in the Menu bar, instead allow from transition of another project.

In other words, we've 2 projects. 1st project having only " Epic " Issuetype, 2nd project having only " Story " issuetype.

We do not want someone (whoever has necessary permissions in both projects) to create a Story in 2nd project directly from Menu > Create button

Currently it gets created via a post-function in transition of workflow of 1st project. 
This ensures that many other fields also get copied from Epic to Story
This is the advantage why we do not need it to created directly in 2nd project, rather from 1st project's transition only

Any possibilities or ideas, much appreciated.


2 answers

1 vote
Jack Brickey
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April 15, 2020

Here is what I would play with to see if you could make it work...

  1. leverage an automation or scripting addon
  2. restrict Create permissions to a single ‘automation’ user
  3. construct an automation rule/script that triggers on the transition of project 1 and creates an issue in project 2 . Note that the rule needs to run as the automation user.
0 votes
Joe Pitt
Community Leader
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April 15, 2020

I believe you would need to modify the source code. I'm not aware of a plugin that allows that. 

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