Restricing users from specific fields

Laci April 30, 2019

So, I think I already know the answer to this based on my research, but I figured I'd ask anyway. My program manager wants a couple fields restricted so that only himself and a few others can edit them. Is there a way to do this? It'd be great if I could just put those specific fields on another tab and have that tab restricted... Thanks!

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Joe Pitt
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April 30, 2019

There is a workaround. First, tabs are just a logical separation for people. JIRA sees them as part of the same screen. there is no field or tab security. The work around is to put the fields on a transition screen and have a condition the only a particular project role can execute the transition and the transition goes back to the same status. Then assign those users you want to edit the field to that role. If they want to be able to edit the field at any time you'll need to have the transition available on every status. Then put the field only on the view screen. 

There may also be a scripting solution I'm unaware of. 

Laci April 30, 2019

Thank you, I've seen this workaround in my research, unfortunately, this does not work for us based on the type of work we are doing. But I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question!

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Victor Mutambuki
Rising Star
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April 30, 2019


Please take a look at the Power Scripts or ScriptRunner.


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