Reset Due Date Based on Sub-Task Due Date

Randy Simes October 27, 2023

I'm struggling to get one or more automations in place to handle the following:

  1. If a parent (with sub-tasks) has a due date and the sub-task(s) does not, then clear the parent due date
  2. If a parent (with sub-tasks) has a due date that is earlier than the due date of the sub-tasks, then clear the parent due date

    When dealing with the sub-tasks, I can compare dates easily and add comments and reset dates. It trying to access the sub-task due date from the parent OR updating the parent due date from the sub-tasks.

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Christopher Maxwell
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October 27, 2023

Hi @Randy Simes ,

Can you post details about the automation you've currently set up?

Also, you might want to check out the automation that Trudy posted here:

Randy Simes October 30, 2023

When: Value changes for

Due date

If: all match

  • Issue Type equals Bug
  • Bug Type is one of: Hotfix, RFA
  • Sub-tasks present 
  • Due date is not empty

For: Sub-tasks

Due date is empty

Then: Send email


{{issue.key}} Due Date Conflict

How can I clear the {{triggerIssue.duedate}} within the scope of For: Sub-tasks? Edit Issue will be for a sub-task.


When: Value changes for

Due date

If: all match

  • Issue Type equals Bug
  • Sub-tasks present 

Then: Create variable

Create smart value variable

For: Sub-tasks

Then: Add value to the audit log. 

{{parentDueDate}} {{issue.duedate}}

If: Compare two values

Checks if:
{{parentDueDate}} is less than {{issue.duedate}}

Then: Send email


Parent {{parentKey}} has Due Date Conflict

And: Add comment to issue

Parent Due Date {{parentDueDate}} cannot be sooner than sub-task due date {{issue.duedate}}

In some cases, the duedate for sub-tasks is empty and it causes this automation to not perform any actions.


Christopher Maxwell
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 31, 2023

Hi Randy,

Thanks. I spent some time on element 1 today but didn't crack the code. I'll let you know if I get it...

Christopher Maxwell
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
November 3, 2023

Hi Randy, 

I don't want to leave you hanging. I think the key here, at least for element 1, will be switching the automation around to search for the sub-task, and then execute the action on the branch (parent ticket). Have you tried that approach? 

That's what I started on the other day and then ran out of time.

Randy Simes November 29, 2023

Thanks for your help - I'll mess around with that logic and see what I get

Edoardo Cavallini October 10, 2024

Hi, I have the same issue with no automation. I made a story with some sub-tasks and I cloned several times.

I changed the due date of the story to make a high level plan, and kept the subtask as default. But after a while (and I do not know what triggers it) all the due date have been resettled to the default date of the subtask.

Do you have any fix?




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