
Dominic Deguzman April 24, 2023

Want to track each sprint, how many times tickets go from qa back to dev or from UAT back to dev.  

Is this possible without any additional apps?



2 answers

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Trudy Claspill
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April 24, 2023

Hello @Dominic Deguzman 

You can get that information with JQL searching using the CHANGED operator.

sprint = <your sprint> and (status CHANGED FROM "UAT" TO "dev" OR status CHANGED FROM "qa" to "dev")  

 You may want to add the optional date predicates so that the status change time frame is limited to the time frame of the sprint. 

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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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April 24, 2023

Hi @Dominic Deguzman 

On your premium instance, you don't have any apps installed, like JMWE, JSU, scriptrunner, JWT etc?

Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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April 24, 2023

Without apps, in order to get the number of times an issue transitions from status A to status B, you can use the following automation rule:


  • You have to create a number field called e.g. "Send back to Dev" or similar
  • And place that number field on the VIEW screen of your issue types
  • Create the above rule and replace the "In Progress" status with your "QA" status and the "Backlog" with "Back to dev".
  • Replace the "Number" field with the new "Send back to Dev"

If you want to distinguish the times an issue has transitioned from QA to DEV and from UAT to DEV, then create two separate number fields, and repeat the above process.

Let me know if that works for you!

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