Reporting on tickets resolved (Friday to Thursday)

Dan M October 19, 2018

Struggling to build a query that will show tickets created between the most recent Friday and Thursday. I want this to auto-update too, so each Friday it "resets" (Friday morning at 00:00 there will be no tickets created, as this is the start of a new reporting week)


Created between Friday 12th October and Thursday 18th October
Then, as soon as it's Friday 19th October at 00:00, the counter would reset to 0 again


I tried the following query, but this bases everything on the week starting on a Monday, so when looking at the stats between Friday and Monday, they are out of date as they are not showing tickets created between Friday just gone and the upcoming Thursday)


created >= startOfWeek(+4d) AND created <= endOfWeek(+4d)


Any ideas on how to have a filter showing tickets created between the most recent Friday  and the upcoming Thursday? 



1 answer

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Alexey Matveev
Rising Star
Rising Star
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October 20, 2018


I think it would be

created >= startOfWeek(-3d) AND created <= endOfWeek(-4d)
Dan M October 21, 2018

Thanks for your reply :)

This works mostly - but on a Friday morning at 00:00, the filter should think its a new week and show 0 tickets created - but it doesn't because we're using "StartOfWeek" so it won't actually show any new tickets created between Friday and the start of week. It will just show tickets between start of week -3d (Friday last week) and end of week -4d (Thursday this week).

Ideally, if i could change "StartOfWeek" to be a Friday, that would solve all my issues and i could just have 


created >= startOfWeek() AND created <= endOfWeek()


But even if there was a way to do this, i'd only want it to affect my project only - not a global change. 

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