Remove Un-used Sprint from Board

Wansze Kong March 5, 2020

We have a board that has two un-used sprints appearing and are looking to have them removed.  Neither of the boards have issues that are linked to the project(s) being filtered through the board.  The user in question has the Manage Sprint permission satisfied.  The closest scenario I was able to locate was through  This knowledge article referenced

Any assistance you can provide will be much appreciated.

Thank you,

Wansze Kong-Chan

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Stephen Wright _Elabor8_
Community Leader
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March 8, 2020

Hi @Wansze Kong

You should be able to delete the sprint from the backlog view.

On an unstarted sprint, click the options icon (3-dots) on the far-right and select "Delete Sprint"

If these sprints have been started / finished - you'll need to:

  1. Go to Reports > Sprint Report
  2. Select the relevant sprint
  3. Select the options icon on the far-right and select "Delete Sprint" here instead

Just to note, the user will need the "Manage Sprints" permission for each project in the board's filter - regardless if there's an issue in one of these sprints or not.

It needs to be a non-active sprint to be deleted.


Wansze Kong March 9, 2020

Hello @Stephen Wright _Elabor8_

When in the backlog view, the only option available through the sprints in question is Add sprint goal.  Under Reports, I see the View sprint in Issue navigator option.  The user that is attempting to remove the sprints does have the Manage Sprints permission in each of the projects that are attached to the filter being used.

Are there any other items I should be aware of?  Please advise.

Thank you,

Wansze Kong-Chan

Stephen Wright _Elabor8_
Community Leader
Community Leader
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March 9, 2020

Hi @Wansze Kong

Is this an active sprint you're trying to delete?

If so, it'll need to be inactive - so complete the sprint and then the options in the reports section should appear allowing you to delete it :)


Wansze Kong March 9, 2020

Hello @Stephen Wright _Elabor8_

These are active sprints, but unfortunately, we are not provided with the option to complete the sprint.  The only options that were available are through the sprint screens indicated in my prior comment.

Please refer to the attached screen shots.

Thank you,

Wansze Kong-Chan


Screen Shot 2020-03-09 at 3.36.49 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-03-09 at 3.36.22 PM.png

Stephen Wright _Elabor8_
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
March 9, 2020

Hi @Wansze Kong

To complete the sprint, you'll need to go to the active sprint board rather than the backlog.


Wansze Kong March 9, 2020

Hello @Stephen Wright _Elabor8_

I see it now.  I appreciate your help!

Thank you,

Wansze Kong-Chan

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