Reduce Story Points from Old Parent

Janakiraman S May 14, 2024

Hi Team,

We are on Jira Cloud and work with Plans too. Epics have stories with story points assigned. Cloud offers a template automation rule to sum up the story points to the Epic level. However, this rule works partly when the Parent of the Story is updated/changed. The story point aggregation still happens, however, reduction of story points from the old parent doesn't seem to occur. Has any of you already encountered this? If yes, any insights how to fix/work it around?

Thanks & Regards,


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Bill Sheboy
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May 14, 2024

Hi @Janakiraman S 

For a question like this, please post an image of your complete automation rule, images of any relevant actions / conditions / branches, an image of the audit log details showing the rule execution, and explain what is not working as expected.  Those will provide context for the community to offer ideas.  Thanks!

Until we see those...

There are several normal and edge cases when trying to accurately sum a field from child issues to their parent Epic.  For example:

  1. new child issue created for an Epic
  2. existing child issue added to an Epic
  3. child issue removed from an Epic
  4. child issue changes parent from one Epic to another Epic
  5. child issue deleted from Jira
  6. person updates the sum field (e.g., Story points) in the child with an Epic
  7. person overrides the sum field in an Epic with children
  8. an automation rule does any of the above
  9. etc.

Some of these can be handled by a shared rule while others need their own, specific rule.  Your team needs to decide how accurately you want the sum to be and when you need that accuracy (to determine rule triggering).

The case you describe is #4 parent epic change, which combines cases #2 and #3.  One way to solve that is with a trigger on a change to the Parent field, and then use the changelog smart values to update both the old and the new epic:

Kind regards,

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