Recreate already existing task daily using automation

Sahil Suhag April 1, 2024


i have some tasks created in a jira project, which i have to complete daily.
What automation can i do to recreate these tasks daily in the morning at 10:30 am so that i don't have create them manually, it should just create a copy of that task automatically.

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Ste Wright
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April 1, 2024

Hi @Sahil Suhag 

I'd build the details into the Automation Rule, to avoid needing "template" issues.

Rule might look something like this...

  • Trigger: Scheduled
    • Run rule every = 1 Days
    • At = 10:30 AM
  • Action: Create issue
    • Project = Same project - if rule is single project, otherwise choose Project
    • Issue Type = <type here>
    • Fields...
      • Summary = <summary here>
      • ...etc. Choose other fields and populate them here


However, if you did want to clone your existing issues, this is also possible.

Rule might look like this...

  • Trigger: Scheduled
    • Run rule every = 1 Days
    • At = 10:30 AM
    • Run a JQL search... = TRUE (check box)
    • JQL - <locate issues here> - for example key >= TEST-1 and key <= TEST-5
  • Action: Clone issue
    • Project = Same project - if rule is single project, otherwise choose Project
    • Issue Type = <type here>
    • Fields...
      • Summary = <summary here>
      • ...etc. Choose other fields and populate them here

For this rule, you can...

  • Use {{issue.Summary}} to clone the template issue's Summary field
  • Use the COPY function to copy data from the template issues' fields to the cloned issues. This option is available through the breadcrumbs (...) next to each field in the "Clone Issue" action



  • You do need to set each field's content individually, either when creating without a template issue, or cloning from one
  • You can use smart values to set fields dynamically - for example, setting a date field to {{now}} would set it to the date the cloned issue was created
  • You've listed that you're on a Standard plan. See here for what the execution limits are for this plan level, to ensure you have enough to do this automation daily


Let us know if this helps, or if you have any further questions :)


Sahil Suhag April 2, 2024

Hey Stephen,

I want to create the task again every day during weekdays under the same epic,
for example - 

I have a epic 'MIS Tasks' under that i have a task "Daily Report 2 march 2024", and on next day i want the same task (with same fields, assignee, details, etc) as "Daily Report 2 march 2024" under the same epic 'MIS Tasks'.

So i want to automatically create that task every weekday.

Ste Wright
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April 2, 2024

Hi @Sahil Suhag 

Either of these rules should work for these requirements with some modifications...

  • You can set the Summary dynamically for the date - for example {{now.mediumDate}} might work for you? See more date and time smart values on this help page
    • Summary would then be set to "Daily Report - {{now.mediumDate}}"
  • You can set the parent as one of the fields you populate in the Create/Clone issue action. 
  • For scheduling on working days, you could change the trigger's timeframe to run every "1 Weeks" - and then set the days of the week to be Mon-Fri.


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John Funk
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April 2, 2024

Hi Sahil,

Take a look at this article that will guide you through how to do exactly what i think you want to do.


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Trudy Claspill
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April 1, 2024

Hello @Sahil Suhag 

How do you know which tasks need to be recreated each day?

  1. Are they in a specific project or multiple projects?
  2. Are they assigned to you?
  3. Do they have some additional uniquely identifying characteristic, like a specific Labels value, Components value,nor a value on another field?

You must have permission to create Automation Rules. By default that permission is granted to Jira Administrators and Project Administrators. Dou you have that level of permissions? If not you will likely need to work with members of one or both of those groups to get this set yp.

You can create a rule that has a Schedule  trigger easily enough. But you need to come up with a JQL statement that would retrieve each of the tasks that needs to be copied.

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