ReaderCache and IssueIndexManager

alexandrajurj May 15, 2017

I am using 7.2.2 jira version and I know that ReaderCache and IssueIndexManager are two deprecated classes now. What could I use instead?

I need those classes for this tutorial:

3 answers

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Michaël de Checchi September 6, 2018

I found out that I needed to add a dependency on com.atlassian.jira:jira-lucene-dmz where these classes have been moved (in the same packages) !

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Alexandra Cohen
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August 11, 2019

Tutorial documentation needs serious updates.  Some classes used in it are deprecated and to make the tutorial class SingleLevelGroupByReportExtended compile I had to use:


And add a bunch of dependencies:

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Michaël de Checchi September 6, 2018

I am trying to update my report (created for Jira 6.4.12) to match version 7.9.2 but I am facing an issue with IssueIndexManager and ReaderCache.

The documentation tells that they should still be available (see and that only deIndex and reIndex methods have been moved to IssueIndexingService.

Where can I find these classes ?

Note that there is an existing pull request to adapt the tutorial to version 7 but it does not include changes related to these classes (see

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