Race condition in updating custom fields / System Field / Comments

Dharnesh June 30, 2020

Race condition in updating custom fields / System Field / Comments not sure whether its bug or working expected as per jira.

For example consider an jira issue which is already created.

1 - Now open same jira in two new tab same time.
2 - Try to update any field like labels or any mutli select field or text field.

Consider it has AAA in label field.

In Tab1 and Tab2 open same Jira.
Tab1 add value as BBBB in label field and save it.
Tab2 add value as CCCC and save it.

Believe expected is either field should be updated with Tab1 and Tab2 value: BBBB, CCCC Or Jira should throw error in Tab2 "Stating page does not contain latest value and should forced to refresh"

But notice that Tab2 simply overrides the value. Without knowing what changes made in Tab1. 

Could some one please help me to understand whether it is bug OR working expected as per jira? If so why is it set like that?



Hi @Atlassian  @atlassian 

Still looking for help..! Any input please

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 13, 2020

It is working as intended.

Imagine your tabs were actually two browser windows on separate machines, by two different people in separate locations.

Jira serves up a page and does nothing until there is a post.  If data is posted in one page, a simple passive web system like this does not update or monitor other open pages, and when it gets a posting from a page, it simply acts on the data it has at the time of posting, it doesn't poll all other open pages to look at what they might be doing.

That's not to say you can't do it, Jira does do it in some places, but it's a lot of code to do it, plus a huge use of resources to track everything that might happen.  Jira is already resource intensive, you don't want multiply the load by 100.

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Dharnesh June 30, 2020


Dharnesh July 2, 2020

Any help please

Dharnesh July 7, 2020

Any help please

Dharnesh July 7, 2020

@Nic Brough -Adaptavist- 

Any suggestion on this

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