REST API for Jira issue for specific stage

Deleted user June 30, 2020

Hi All,

In Jira do we have any REST API to get all Issue for a specific project which are in particular status .

Currently we are using like  https://<orgname>\${JIRA_BOARD_ID}/issue which is extracting all issue for that particular project and then filtering for specific status like "Pending". This returning issue list is getting bigger day by day , so instead of getting all list can we apply that filter in API itself something like https://<orgname>\${JIRA_BOARD_ID}/issue?status="Pending" ?


Please help if anyone have any workaround on this.


Thanks in advance.


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Rising Star
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June 30, 2020

Hi @[deleted] 

Yes it is quite easy to do what you're after. Try AND status=Pending

As you can see, you can use any JQL query that would normally work within Jira.

Just for completeness, here is the latest API documentation 

Deleted user June 30, 2020

Thanks @Warren , its perfectly works on my requirements.

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