Quick question on filter

Mark Akem May 22, 2019

I added a new board to an existing project but the new board has all the stories in the previous board. I want to just have a select number of stories from the previous board that are labeled in the new board. How do I do this? Do I need to build a simple query to filter only what I want to show on the new board? or can I delete the stories on the new board since they already exist on the old board linked to the same project?

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Max Foerster - K15t
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May 22, 2019

Hi Mark,

don't delete anything! Adjust the board filter to just include the specific set of issues you need. Issues can be displayed on multiple boards and those are not copies, so deleting them is definitely not a good idea :)

Best, Max

Mark Akem May 22, 2019

Thanks Max so if I wanted to write a query and apply to that board to filter stories labeled Printer how would you suggest I structure it?

Or are saying I should may be update existing filters on the board?

Max Foerster - K15t
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May 22, 2019

So you want to only include issues from a specific project of the issue type "Story" and with the label "printer" on your new board? The JQL query is simple and could look like this: project = "xyz" AND type = "Story" AND labels = "printer" but you should think about your workflow here. Should all stories be available on board A at any time and you will label the stories from there? And then afterward they would "magically" appear on your board B where only stories from the project with the label "printer" are fetched by the board filter? Or should they disappear from board A when you label them? 

Mark Akem May 22, 2019

I actually only want them to show on board  A along with other stories but just stories with the label Printer on board B.

Max Foerster - K15t
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May 22, 2019

So take your board filter of board A and add issue type & the labels bit to the JQL query :) That should do it! Give it a try in the issue search if your not sure about your query and check the results.

Mark Akem May 22, 2019

Thanks for all your help.

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Max Foerster - K15t
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May 22, 2019

You're very welcome Mark. Stay active in the community! :)

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