Quick Filter by assignee and additional assignee

Robert Lynch
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March 16, 2017

I would like to create a quick filter to see where I am the assignee and additional assignee but also filter out all projects that have been completed.  I started the following, but it is returning projects that are supposed to be excluded in this filter. 


assignee = "robert.lynch" or "BA Assignee" = "robert.lynch" and status not in (Done, Closed, "No Longer Needed", "Not Reproducible", Resolved)


Where am I going wrong?

2 answers

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Prem Chudzinski [extensi]
Atlassian Partner
August 13, 2017

Hi Robert,

You're missing brackets

(assignee = "robert.lynch" or "BA Assignee" = "robert.lynch") and project not in (xxx, yyy, zzz)"


But if you're not familiar with JQL you can use Basic View on the Search Screen or the Agile Board Filter add-on in your board

board filtering.png

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Thomas Schlegel
Community Leader
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March 16, 2017

Hi Robert,

you do not filter out projects, but status of issues. Add something like "and project not in (xxx, yyy, zzz)"


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