Query for issues with an Epic where Epic component is equal to a specific value

Karen Losavio
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December 29, 2024

since there are no suggested solutions - is it possible to query for a list of issues that contain any Epic where the Epic component contains a specific value

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Trudy Claspill
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December 29, 2024

Hello @Karen Losavio 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

Is this a one time need, or a query you need to run repeatedly?

Does the Component need to be a value you can specify?

Are the Epics and child issues expected to all be in the same project, or might they be in different projects?

There is not a native set of filter options that you can use to get that list. There might be a work around using Automation for Jira, where you could then email the results set to specified recipients.

If you are open to using third party apps that extend JQL capabilities, there are a few that have functionality that would support such a filter. Examples include:

Adaptavist Enhanced Search

The issuesInEpics(subquery) function would satisfy your requirement.

Advanced JQL Functions

The childrenOfEpicsInQuery(subquery) function would satisfy your requirement.

JQL Search Extensions for Jira

The childrenOfEpicsInQuery(subquery) function would satisfy your requirement.

You can find additional similar apps in the Atlassian Marketplace.

Karen Losavio
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December 29, 2024


Is this a one time need, or a query you need to run repeatedly? need to run repeatedly

Does the Component need to be a value you can specify? a value that I specify

Are the Epics and child issues expected to all be in the same project, or might they be in different projects? could be in separate projects

My goal is to extract all issues from any project where there is any Epic specified where the component of the Epic is set to "Global" so that I can construct a visual roadmap in the form of a Gantt chart. There could in fact be multiple Epics in scope that have a component set to "Global".

Trudy Claspill
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December 29, 2024

How do you intend to construct the Gantt chart? Are you using native functionality in Jira for that or a third party app added to Jira, or are you going to construct that with a separate tool outside of Jira?

If you are going to construct it with a separate tool, then you might consider using the Jira Cloud REST API to extract the data you need.

If you are using a third party app integrated with Jira, you might want to check if the app offers capabilities to refine your filter separate from the filtering capabilities offered by Jira.

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Karen Losavio
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December 29, 2024

we pull the data into sql and leverage PowerBI to render Gantt but I also want to leverage native Jira dashboard to query, manage data and perform validation of the extracts - we do not perform real-time integration with Jira so the lag in Power BI is inconvenient for managing/configuring data

Trudy Claspill
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December 29, 2024

If you want to use the data in Jira dashboard gadgets then you will need to be able to construct a filter within Jira to retrieve the data. To accomplish your requirement in that case you will need to acquire a third party app that extends the Jira JQL capabilities, since what you require cannot be done with native capabilities.

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