Proper linking using Custom Hierarchy in Adv. Roadmaps

Glenn Kime September 14, 2022

We have defined a Hierarchy of Portfolio->Initiative->Epic->Feature (same level as Epic)->Story


How can I link Epics to initiatives & features to epics so they show up properly in Adv. Roadmaps?


We have tried "child of" and parent of" issue links to no avail


Child Issues can only be created directly under Epic & Feature


How do I link epics to initiatives?

How do I link existing features to epics?

2 answers

0 votes
Hannes Obweger - JXL for Jira
Atlassian Partner
September 20, 2022

Hi @Glenn Kime

For mapping epics to initiatives: For epics to initiatives (and any further level "atop"), Advanced Roadmaps uses a field named "Parent link". If you add the "Parent link" field to your issue screens, you should be able to view and set the parent issue. Alternatively, you can set this relationship directly in Advanced Roadmaps, by moving your epics to the respective parent initiative.

For mapping features to epics: This is where I'm being a little confused; would you mind posting a screenshot of your hierarchy configuration (https://<your-jira-site>/jira/settings/issues/issue-hierarchy)? I understand from your comment that you've configured both Epics and Features to be on the same "Epics" level, but then you can't "link" epics and features, since they are "siblings" rather than in a parent/child relationship.

Hope this helps,



Hannes Obweger - JXL for Jira
Atlassian Partner
September 20, 2022

... and just to add to the above: It's generally recommended to not add any additional hierarchy layers "between" Epics and Stories, only "on top" of epics. This is also how Advanced Roadmaps works.

If you do want full freedom in configuring your issue hierarchy, there's a number of hierarchy-focused apps available in the Atlassian Marketplace that allow you define fully custom issue hierarchies based on issue links, or a combination of issue links and built-in parent/child relationships. E.g., in the app that my team is working on - JXL for Jira - this looks as follows:


You can see that a "task" is shown as a parent of bugs and stories, even though they are all "base issue types" in Jira - and that's because there's a certain issue link between them. 


- H

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Danielle Green
Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 20, 2022

Hi Glenn

I'm not sure that you can put Epics and Features on the same level, as I think it needs to be a strict hierarchy  for AR. I could be wrong :)

Can you show screenshots of what you've tried and what you're triyng to do that isn't working?

Thank you



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