Projects not displayed when executing through rest spi

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May 31, 2020

I try to get the projects that I have created with my Atlassian account.  https:<<MyJIRAURL>>/rest/api/2/issue/createmeta?projectKeys=TEST&expand=projects.issuetypes.fields

I used the above GET method in postman and it returns me no projects, though I have 2 projects in my account.  1. JIRA service desk project and the other is a classic jira software project.  I have set Authorization and Content-Type headers in the header tab of postman.  I input the Authorization header with the value userEmail:<<api_token>> value.  I generated the api token from the "Generate api token" option available in profile.  Could someone please help me why I don't get the projects available in the response?  I also don't get a successful response when trying to view the details of an existing issue, say TEST-1 ticket.

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Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 2, 2020

Hello @Shobanaji_Puviarasu_Nagendiran ,

Thanks for reaching out and as a referance point this call covered in the following documentation and is hitting the "Get create issue metadata" via

Noting the Latest endpoint is v3 of the API but either v2 or v3 will work in this case, But I would recomend updating the call to v3 for additional longevity on the call when v2 is eventually phased out.

I checked out the formatting on your call and It all looks good and returns the project details without issue on my test instance, I tested on a call using the formatting as follows with the projects TEST and EXE in the instance:


So, Stepping back to the Documentation noted above as a referance I would recomend verifying the project permissions and verify that you have the Create issue permission:

Permissions required: Create issues project permission in the requested projects.


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June 3, 2020

Thank you so much.  I had some issues in the header authorization and once I fixed it, I was able to get the successful response.

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