Project Set Up

Adam Taylor May 25, 2023


My company is switching project management tools and are looking at using our Jira Cloud instance to be able to track projects going forward. We have several customers at any time who can have multiple different projects from data migration to a discovery project but the project managers would like to be able to track all work in Jira whether its Development changes or standard work tasks. I've looked at multiple variations or Projects within Jira for both Team managed and Company Managed and also looked at Worplace project. None seem to match their criteria apart from one which ended up being the Sales workplace template which still isn't 100% right.

I've currently got it set up as 3 coloumns on the board, the first being just for customers, a sort of static column, the next is for projects which then are linked to the customer ticket and are created as Epics. The epic then has a link to an actual company managed project dedicated to that piece of work but the initial part just feels messy and so was wondering if anyone had an ideas or thoughts on how i can approach this a bit better.

2 answers

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Sachin Dhamale
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May 25, 2023

@Adam Taylor 


You need to understand process and the tool your organization is using currently.

If you could mention how you are managing project then i could explain you better option in jira,


In Jira we have team manage project and company manage project

team manage project - configure by project admin. create with specific configuration  

company manage project - configure by jira admin. you can configure workflow, screen, issue type as per your needs


Project Template

Kanban:  use for ongoing project.  visualize work, limit work-in-progress, and maximize efficiency (or flow). 

Scrum:  - used for project which has start and end date.  and the project which need to be deliver in iterative /sprint basis.


based on this factor you can create a project. as per your requirement

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Andreas Haaken _APTIS_
Marketplace Partner
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May 25, 2023

Hi @Adam Taylor , 

can you provide us a screenshot of your concept? 

Maybe I got it wrong.. 


But what I would suggest is to use Epics as projects and use Issues as their child issues to express the work items and their sub-tasks for breakdown of tasks. 

Jira Projects are no real projects as they don´t have a life cycle and are not easy to manage. Think of Jira Projects more like a configuration context to group settings and permissions.

If you use Jira Premium or some of the apps that provide hierarchies, you could group the projects as child issues underneath the customer issues, to get an overview. 


So this is what we do:

  • Epic Issue = Project with lifecycle
    • Tasks of Project with their own lifecycle
      • subtasks for break down of steps

Hope that helps.. ;) 

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