Project Reporting on Child Issue

Eugene Stavast June 23, 2020

Burn Up and Burn Down reports are currently available on Sprint level.

Is there a way in which I can add filters in order to view these reports based on Child Issues?

2 answers

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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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June 23, 2020

Hi @Eugene Stavast -- Welcome to the Atlassian community.

What problem are you trying to solve by reporting on the child issues?


Best regards,


Eugene Stavast June 24, 2020

We are actively using the child-issue feature and want to measure the progress of completion of the child-issues by the development team members as each child issues represents an effort of up to 16 hours.

Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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June 24, 2020

Thanks for clarifying, Eugene.

Would you consider the sub-tasks you are using today individually valuable pieces of work, or are they truly sub-tasks to finish a valuable work item?

If they are individually valuable, you could move up a level in the issue type hierarchy, making them tasks/stories, and make the parents epics.  Then all reporting will work as you need.

If they are instead parts of the work, measuring burn or velocity for them makes less sense, as @Nic Brough -Adaptavist- noted.  They are more like a to-do list to complete the valuable item.  Counting how many are not-started, in-progress, and completed can help show progress... But, if there are so many of them that you need a chart to see progress, that sounds like a different problem: too much work in progress (WIP).

If you really want to do measure on sub-tasks, you could always export the info and build a report in a spreadsheet.  Or you could buy a marketplace add-on product.  I would recommend neither approach.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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June 23, 2020

You don't do velocity on things you did not to commit to, like sub-tasks.  So, no, because you don't need to.

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