Project Level Security - Showing all Projects in Create Issue

Joel Johnson October 11, 2011

SO I Followed the drections at

When I log in with a test account that is associated to the "external" group I see only that project as expected.

However when I go to Create an Issue I can see all the projects within JIRA.

I am probably missing something obvious (or not) but I only want the External Users to be able to create Issues within the External Project and to only see the one project when they click Create Issue.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 11, 2011

You've got something that allows your external users "create" permission in the non-external projects. Check the "create" permission in the permission scheme(s) associated with the non-external projects.

I know it's a little odd having the rights to create issues in projects you can't actually see, but it can be useful.

Joel Johnson October 11, 2011

so I have jira-users and Reporter for Create Issues in my non-external projects; and for my External Projects I have jira-users and external-users

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 11, 2011

There's two possible problems here

First, you've allowed all of your users "create" rights. That's why all of them get the full list of "projects I can create this issue in". I would remove "jira users" from all permissions except the global "can log in". In fact, I never use Jira users for anything other than "can log in and do very global things in every project, always".

Second, allowing "reporter" "create issue" means an implied "this person is going to have reported an issue, so we'll let them create it". Which works out as "if you can log in, you can create an issue in this project". I'd remove that completely.

Both of those are sort of quirks - they're not obvious or quick to work out, but if you think them through, they do make sense. You basically need to revise your permission schemes to be a lot more limited.

Joel Johnson October 11, 2011

from what I understand the jira-users is a group and Jira Users is a global permission that every user needs to log in.

I have a set of external Users in one group and assigned a permission scheme which limits access to one Project.

that same permission scheme contains my jira-users, all my internal users( they need access to this project as well)

the External users are not part of the jira-users group.

if the Non-External projects include Reporter would that change the way all users that have the Global Jira Users ?? I will try to remove Reporter from the NonExternal projects to see if that makes a difference.

UPDATE: removing Reporter from the Non External projects did the trick - Thanks for the help!!

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