Project Key Edition

Karim Belhadj December 20, 2018

Hello Team

I'm using jira server 7.13 , i'm preparing my certefication , so reviewing the documentation , i read this .
Links will work, whether they are inside Jira or from external sources. However, link aliases will not be updated — For example, if you have a link to an issue 'EXAMPLE-1' in the description of an issue, and you change the project key 'EXAMPLE' to 'DEMO', then the alias 'EXAMPLE-1' will not be updated to 'DEMO-1'. The link will still direct you to DEMO-1 though.
If you are using a gadget with a global filter, you will need to update the filter after the project is renamed.
But when i apply this example :
1: The link alias change in real time with the new project key .
2: The global filter in dashbord work correctly without changing it with the new project key .


I need to understand why the documentation do not match the application in jira .

I need help please.


7 answers

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Peter Bengov
Rising Star
Rising Star
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December 20, 2018

I think you are right, indeed. You can flag documentation for Atlassian's review, if you like. 

0 votes
Karim Belhadj December 20, 2018

yes exactly .

So you agree with me ?

Or i do not understand well ?



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Peter Bengov
Rising Star
Rising Star
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December 20, 2018

That means you have indeed found incorrect info with the documentation. We had key changes and we didn't have to change the filters in order for the filters to keep working if memory serves me right. 

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Karim Belhadj December 20, 2018

@Peter Bengov i saw  in documentation that (If you are using a gadget with a global filter, you will need to update the filter after the project is renamed.) However it's work without updating in my gadget so !!! 

the problem is in documentation or what !!

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Peter Bengov
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
December 20, 2018

Filters will also work. No changes are required.

Although you can change the filters manually next time you come across one or via directly via DB (not recommended). 


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Karim Belhadj December 20, 2018

@Peter Bengov , it works fine now , but what about the global filter ??

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Peter Bengov
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
December 20, 2018

The link under "Issue Links" will definitely change. But the links inside text fields like Comments and Description will not change. However, clicking on them will redirect you to a new ticket URL. 

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