Problems with JQL querying the summary on Jira Cloud

Jill Gavornik
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May 13, 2024

Upgraded from Jira Prem to Jira Cloud, which means our API calls needed to be upgraded. In Jira Prem we are able to query the summary like this:

This would pull back 1 ticket that was created with the summary of Order 17656231 Failed Booking Exception

However, this jql query does not work with Jira Cloud, it gives the error that it can't find the summary, which in cloud is a field. I have looked thru the Jira Cloud documentation, but I can't find how to "upgrade" this call to query the summary field in Jira Cloud? Any ideas on how to get this to work with Cloud?

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Kalyan Sattaluri
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May 13, 2024

Hello @Jill Gavornik 

Your API end point seems fine. There is nothing special with API. you need to verify your JQL.

Try this:

  1. Login to  your Jira Cloud
  2. Search for interested issues using JQL like you normally would.
  3. Once JQL's working, Copy JQL
  4. Open new tab
  5. Put below URL in new tab address, replace bolded [JQL] with working query from step 3
  7. hit enter

If you see a response, you can use this enpoint and append your maxResults and field to the end.

Hope it helps.

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