Problem with moving issues

Ryan Belmont
Rising Star
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March 1, 2012

Hi all,

I've been asked to investigated moving issues between projects as a means to change the project key (key included a client that is no longer a client). I've run into a bit of a quirk with the process.

I can select a new project for issues to move to, but I can't seem to keep the same issue type. When I get to the move screen the fields basically say "Project 1 --> Project 1" and "Story --> Story" (project, issue type). When I change to "Project 1 --> Project 2," the second set of fields change to "Story --> Bug." I can change Bug in this example to any issue type except Story, for whatever reason.

Does anyone know why I can't keep the same issue type when moving between projects? Is this intended behavior?


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Ryan Belmont
Rising Star
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March 1, 2012

I will probably have to submit a ticket, just figured I'd ask here in case someone knew what the issue was.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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March 1, 2012

I doubt that is right - if you can create stories in the target project, then it shouldn't change. The only thing I can think of that would change this behaviour is a customised move or a listener that's changing type.

However, as this is an OnDemand installation, you really need to raise this with OnDemand support, because we don't know why your system is different from standard!

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Ryan Belmont
Rising Star
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March 1, 2012

The configurations of the two projects are 100% identical.

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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March 1, 2012
Do Project1 and Project2 have the same issue type scheme?

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