Problem with Jira Attachments

Priyanka Palle March 5, 2020

I am new to Jira just started learning things, I recently encountered a problem when I tried attaching a file to one of our Jira tickets which is 15MB while strangely on a different ticket I attached another file which is 5MB and that got attached perfectly fine. I can clearly see that there is a limit for attachment size in Jira can anyone help how to increase the default attachment size limit.

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Bharath Kumar Kappala
Rising Star
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March 5, 2020

hi @Priyanka Palle welcome to the community

Sure that can be done the first thing you would need to increase attachment size is Jira admin permission if you have those permission then you would go to Settings> System> Attachments, here you have the option to increase the attachment size.
The default attachment size which comes out of the box with Jira is 10MB.

Hope this helps!

Priyanka Palle March 5, 2020

Thanks for the quick reply I tried that just now its worked.

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