Priority Ranking

Frederick Su February 26, 2020

What is the default ranking of Ticket Priority ? 

in my system it is pulling up as :


Must Have > Blocker > High > Medium > Low > Major > Critical


Is this as intended?


Also, where do "Minor, Trivial, Nice To Have, and Discretionary" fit in when "ORDER BY Priority DESC" ?


Can I, the Global Admin of my system change the ranking order programatically?



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Jack Brickey
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February 26, 2020

Well someone has added additional priorities it would seem. In Cloud you can reorder them and assume you can do the same in Server. It should be under the Jira admin/settings > Issues > Priorities. Now, understand that there is not actual ranking but only ordering of the list of priorities. Typically one will take the top-most to be the most critical and the bottom-most the least.

In your case, IMO, you have several that are redundant: Must Have, Blocker, Critical. It would seem to me that someone has mixed need/severity w/ Priority but I really don't know the drivers for these.

Typically I have seen: Highest, High, Medium, Low, (lowest). Sometimes Highest is replaced w/ Critical. Again, it is all to taste here.

Frederick Su February 26, 2020

You made a great point about mixing "need" and "severity". 

Would swopping the "order" of the list of priorities influence the output of "ORDER BY Priority DESC"  



Jack Brickey
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February 26, 2020

Yes, Order by priority will follow how you have them ordered in the configuration as mentioned previously.

Like Frederick Su likes this
Frederick Su February 26, 2020

You the man!

Mark Crocker March 5, 2020

@Jack Brickey 
There is no way to drag and drop using these though once you set this right. because the drag and drop order is purely driven by rank correct? 

I am trying to combine a nextgen project's issues into a classic board pulling from lots of projects but we can't rank these in that board. I know we are kind of "bastardisng" the use case of a nextgen project but nevertheless I would love to be able to control the ranking of my nextgen tasks in such a board regardless of the epic they are tied to.

Jack Brickey
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March 6, 2020

@Mark Crocker , I’m not sure I am following you here. This thread is about changing the appearance order of priorities. Which can be done as described. Ranking within a board is not directly associated to priorities. Sure you could rank issues (Classic only) by priority simply by dragging them around but that would be unnecessary IMO as you could use swimlanes (queries) for that.


now regarding next-gen (cloud only) you cannot, as yet, use ranking.

Mark Crocker March 10, 2020

Hi @Jack Brickey 

Sorry to confuse the conversation. I am asking a separate question trying to workaround the nextgen epic ranking not allowing me to change ranking in a classic board.

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