Price of Addon based on amount of user on license?

Francis Maltais
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April 12, 2016

Hello all and thanks for your help.

Let's say I have an unlimited user license for my JIRA server and I am looking to purchase Excel Connector for JIRA. But I only need 10 employees to have access to the Excel Connector for JIRA addon. 

Do I need to purchase an unlimited Excel Connector for JIRA license, or would a 10 user Excel Connector for JIRA license do the trick?

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Nicolas Bourdages
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April 12, 2016

Typically, the plugin makers will use the JIRA license tier, so in most cases, the answer would be yes, you need the same user tier as your JIRA license (the largest non-Data Center tier is 10,000+)

However, some plugins allow you to buy fewer licenses, but I haven't seen many, and they're always paid via the vendor.

Since the Excel Connector plugin is paid through the Atlassian Marketplace, that means you'll have to get the 10,000-user license.

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Francis Maltais
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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April 26, 2016

Thanks a lot and apologies for the delay on the acknowledgement of your answer smile

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