Prevent saving effort if date is past warranty date (1 month after epic release date)

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April 9, 2024

Is it possible to prevent an effort from being logged/saved when the effort date is more than a month after the release date in the linked epic?  We are trying to prevent users from logging hours to epics that have already been released for more than a month (we refer to as warranty period).

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Walter Buggenhout
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April 9, 2024

Hi @fsantos,

Not exactly as you describe it. But it should be fairly easy to set up a decent workaround. If you add a workflow status to your epic that clearly marks it as Done (meaning: past the warranty period), simply moving the epic into that status and adding a workflow property to that status to block time tracking once its there, should help.

For more information on workflow properties, see this support article and look specifically for the following property:

Depending on your process, you may even use automation to automatically move the epic into the Done status when the warranty expires, if you can define a business rule for that - but you can do that manually as well, which may even be more flexible in certain cases.

Hope this helps!


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April 9, 2024

Thanks, Walter!  I will relay this info to our Jira admin.  Will give feedback on how it goes.

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