Prevent notifications on custom field editing?

Johan Lund April 3, 2012

Hi, is there a way to prevent notifications (email) to go out whenever I make changes to a custom field?

The background for why I want this is: I output an Excel report of open issues each week and currently I have to overlay a personal comment manually each time.

I want to have a custom field with text where I can enter a short summary of what's going on with that particular issue and have that get outputted to the report as well.

The comment is public, I don't mind if others can change it. But I do mind that they get emails sent to them each time I make a change. They are supposed to get all these comment on the day when I present the report. Not getting the comments one and one by email as I work on them.

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Cyril Egan
Rising Star
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April 3, 2012

You need a custom workflow and a custom notification scheme.

Workflow Part

  1. Add a new workflow transition to each status in the workflow e.g. "Update Weekly Status".
  2. Limit who can do the workflow transition in the conditions tab if necessary.
  3. In the "Post Functions" for the workflow transition you have two options:
  • Create a new event and change the event that is fired to the new event OR
  • Change the event to be fired to 'Generic'.

Notification Scheme Part

  1. Copy the notification scheme currently in use on the project.
  2. Remove all the notifications for the new event type (or generic event type if you used that) from the new notification scheme.

Go Live

  1. Activate the new notification scheme on your project.
  2. Build a new workflow scheme if necessary and apply to the project or publish the workflow.

Now when someone presses the "Update Weekly Status" workflow action a 'Generic' event (or whatever you chose) will be fired and as there are no notifications for that event type, no e-mail will be sent.

Warning: current due to bugs in REST API it is not yet possible to use a Global Transition to edit these fields.

Sorin Sbarnea (Citrix)
Rising Star
Rising Star
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March 3, 2013

Wow, that's a lot of work, especially the workflow customization. Is there any other alternative if you want to modify this custom field using a script, not from Jira UI ?

Sorin Sbarnea (Citrix)
Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 28, 2013

Warning: current due to bugs in REST API it is not yet possible to use a Global Transition to edit these fields. We added an "Silent Edit" transition that has the normal edit screen but we cannot use it yet from REST.

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