HI to all.
I'm developing a PowerShell script to download JiraIsses.
If I use the basic credential approach ($JCred = get-credential 'user' ....) and then a command like:
Get-JiraIssue -Query "<jql query>" -Fields "*all" -Credential $JCred
everything goes fine.
I've got a token (label + coded string) and I need to use it instead than the esplicit user/psw pair.
In the web manual https://atlassianps.org/docs/JiraPS/about/authentication.html there is a note "The difference is, that instead of providing the username and password for the account, the email address and the API token must be used"
but there's no any sample on how/where I have to use the provided token....
So my question is:
How/Where I can use an API Token to start a new session or send a Get-JiraIssue command?
Thanks in advance.
Sergio, Italy